Table of contents
What is HNG-internship?
You may have came across the name HNG internship as it is renowned and reputable for its incredible level of outreach in the tech industry via trainings and internship programmes.
The HNG internship is a 3-month remote internship designed to find and develop the most talented software developers.The best part is everyone is welcome to participate, there is also no entrance exam, amazing right :). Anyone can log into the internship using their laptop. Each week, tasks are given. Those who complete them advance forward.The intern are introduced to complex programming frameworks, and get to work on real world software. The finalists are connected to the best companies in the tech ecosystem and get full time jobs and contracts immediately.
My goals for HNG internship
I had just completed the Zuri training (after a couple of months)still yet to see our results. I knew the HNG internship was around the corner and was hyped and a little nervous(due to rumours of it being rigorous) . When the registration began I quickly registered (I was late actually 😅) as a backend developer intern. But before then I told myself I was going to make the most out of this great opportunity,I opened the notepad app on my phone and started writing my goals for this programm, how to get what I want and my current limiting factors that may deter my goals.
Before we get into my goals, let's play a short riddle game ;)(below)
A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn’t get a single hair on his head wet. Why?
Answer to riddle at the end of article☺️
My goals were simple and typical:
Master every tool used during the internship.
Use the mastered tools to solve real life problems
Connect with other intern techies(developers)
Come out of the programm a full backend developer
Use my polished skill to get a job placement.
As simple as the afore-listed, with those in mind I set my sight for the gold crate on the island of HNG and set-sail my ship.
Bonus: I compiled some very revealing tutorials from YouTube and Udemy which I will be be learning from, which you may also find useful.
A Figma Tutorial by Example : Click here
A Git Tutorial by FreeCodeCamp : Click here
A Python course on Udemy : Click here
The answer to the riddle is: he's a bald man .. 😉